Monday 24 October 2011

Skype w/ JP Friday 21st Oct

Rationale for what I'm doing is strong for representing design.
Makes spatial in another dimension - multiple locations.

Life-size images/projections could highlight a non-fit to other people.
Pursue projection - where do I want it to be? Location conceptually linked to design etc. Bathroom would be problematic and require ethics probably.

How is it important that there is more than one venue? Projector?
> where do I stop designing? Is it developed to the exhibition?

Sitting situation would be better = better reaction of people are comfortable. Comfortable browsing blog. Standing - graze over.

What are the merits? Interactive - what does this challenge?
Why is it different - address this. Why it's important? Tailor-made. Online is modular systems.
Benefits have to be evident. Position against/relationship to mass-production.
Some industrial processes allow for individuality.

Anticipate the questions I will be asked. How do I say what I mean?


Craft - automatically reflect the person because they had to make everything themselves. What did it mean?
Self - GSA - craft - why did I do it that way? Level of detailing - compare to DIY/mass-produced.
Anonymous design eliminated the craft. Arts & Crafts. Edward Ford - books (pl). Details of Modern Architecture vol 1 & 2. Request.
(book) What is a designer? Arts and Crafts & Modernist - between.
Intimus - Norman Potter - kitchen design. Simple and careful - writing about architecture. Facile.

Doc due 8th dec. Final design needs to be in  otherwise not a reflective doc.

Date - send new blog - trial. Need back up plan if it doesn't work.

If I come to Wellington early - say day before - JP might have time to test use of projector.

Friday 21 October 2011

Live birth exhibition

Since supervision last week

_Decide on blog.
How does blog inform my project? Standardization of the blog/standardization of the bathroom - idea of being presented with various settings/products/configurations that can be moved around the 'space' (both bathroom and blog space) - space on the www. Both are a reflection of myself - on a physical and subconscious level. Fit to me. 
Both operate around standard units, both are a reflection of myself - representational of my taste, how my mind works through a problem (layout of blog and how I'm creating my bathroom - both represent logical methods of working personal to me), both are making the personal (bathroom experience and blogging thoughts about bathroom experience) viewable to other people - the view of the bathroom design reveals intimate details about myself and creates a viewable object whereas the blog records, maps and shows the process of the bathroom design and projects it to anyone on the web. The bathroom and blog both become an extension of self, personalized both subconsciously and purposefully by myself for myself. 
The blog also becomes the interface between design and thesis where certain aspects of both overlap into the blog. "ABOUT LORNA" could be the "ABOUT LORNA" section of the thesis - "I am a spatial designer, I grew up living in council-housing on the West Coast of Scotland..."

_Scale of screen affects project.
Working on changing the blog to be projected large. Font size, readability, image size need to be considered on a larger scale. If the blog was to be projected, what do I want the viewers to see/what do the viewers need to see?

_Why am I not committing to blog? 
Decided that I will commit to the blog. Beginning to think about exhibition. What do I want the viewers of the exhibition and examiners to get at exhibition - primary information and secondary information along with information about myself to reinforce who the bathroom is for. 
Have been imagining a full screen wall projected with my blog onto it which the viewer can control. I like the idea that the blog can reveal and expose parts of the design and parts of myself through my intervention. Imagine that the viewer becomes immersed in the blog and consequently in the bath room.

_Lines/Section design - design process. Relates back to my method of working through the diary, films and still shots. Dividing the space into segments of time. The design is very much time or duration based - looking at how long is spent in certain parts of the bathroom and re-configuring these to suit what I use most often and what I use for the longest and shortest amount of times. The lines/section method of working not only reflects my method of working and myself as a logical person but also divides the bathroom space into segments of time. The different textures also relate to this time based method of thinking - each colour represents a different element of the bathroom and consequently orders the bathroom to what I use most often - a gradual immersion into my design. 
The idea of having the interior of the bathroom exposed in parts relates to the revealing of personality and self through design. The bathroom becomes a reflection of self and bathrooms are made from reflective materials (tile, ceramic, chrome, glass etc) and exposing the body in the bathroom relates to the idea of the bathroom reflecting the body reflecting the bathroom.

Customization - what do websites look like that advertise a custom product?
Tailor-made shoes.
Go through and tailor-make to fit me - still shot process to see how tailor-made it actually is. Still potentially standardization in effect?

Friday 14 October 2011

Bathroom design cont (6)

Bathroom design cont (5)


Lorna Smith (Bath Room)

Bathroom design cont (4)

 the curve on the ground plane is the movement area where the sink are will be

 development of sink area above x 1 and below x 5

 section looking to sink area

 section looking to entrance area, cuts through shower area and sink area

section through sink area looking to shower and entrance area