Friday 12 August 2011

What do I use the 'bathroom' for?

Primary uses of my bathroom are:

  • shower or to bath
  • dry myself after washing
  • moisturize
  • apply creams to my skin (medication for eczema)
  • get dressed after cleaning/moisturizing
  • wash my hands
  • brush my teeth
  • look in the mirror
  • brush/do my hair
These uses are mostly a linear process of a rigorous daily routine I personally have to maintain. 
Shower/bath > dry > moisturize > apply creme > apply steroids (if necessary) > wash hands of steroids > get dressed > do my hair.

Secondary uses of my bathroom:

  • apply make-up (occasionally)
  • relax
  • think
  • do nothing, place to just day-dream
The bathroom for me is very much a functional room primarily, it is a place for me to clean myself and take care of my skin (which requires a lot of creams, steroids and a strict routine to keep it maintained). Secondary to this, it is a place for me to think, process, relax and get away from the rest of the house and be by myself - to me it is a room I can guarantee no interruptions and allow me to be by myself. 

The above speak to specific rituals my bathroom has to be able to accommodate. 

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